Save the Corcoran – Core Standards

1.  The Collection of the Corcoran Gallery of Art and College of Art and Design must be involiable.
It is Save The Corcoran’s position that the collection (whether permanent or otherwise, accessed or acquired) must be managed in strict accordance with the standards put forth by the American Association of Museums and the American Association of Museum Directors.  Save the Corcoran does not tolerate any misdeeds involving museum collections.  Our mission is to ensure that the Corcoran’s leadership operates with the best interests of the institution, as well as the AAM and AAMD guidelines, in mind. Information regarding these tenets can be found here:

2.  The Corcoran Gallery of Art and College of Art and Design must be governed properly.
The Board of Trustees, and all senior Gallery and College administrators, must operate in a fashion that engenders confidence that the stewardship they hold is being exercised judiciously. Save the Corcoran advocates a transparent administration that willingly and effectively communicates with its stakeholders.  More than an institution, the Corcoran is a community.  As members of that community, the Board and senior administration must actively engage with the rest of the community, and respect the opinions and ideas of their fellow community members.

3.  The Corcoran College of Art and Design and The Corcoran Gallery of Art must have co-primacy.
Save the Corcoran believes that, in accordance with the mission that William Wilson Corcoran espoused, the Corcoran Gallery and the Corcoran College of Art + Design are inextricably linked, and thereby equally important to the future of the institution as a whole. We oppose any attempt to decouple the Gallery and College, regardless of the intent of such a plan.  The equality of the Gallery and College are at the center of the Corcoran’s unique character and sets the institution apart.  Therefore, all efforts to revitalize the Corcoran must preserve the equal relationship between both wings of the institution.